Outplacement Service #1




Typefocus Workshop

TypeFocus, established in 1997 by Dave Wood, is a leading developer of type indicator. TypeFocus has supplied accurate career development assessments to over 1 million clients in high schools, colleges, universities and employment centres for over 20 years. This easy to navigate comprehensive platform incorporates an easy step-by-step process to successfully identify, plan, implement and achieve the best career choice.


  • Staff who are starting, changing or growing their career, will discover their individual strengths through three interactive career assessments. They will narrow their search from thousands of career choices to a few dozen and become confident that they are on the right track.
  • Staff will be provided with an overview of their type and how to recognize strengths and areas of weakness they wish to improve.
  • Facilitator will incorporate strategies to plan and leverage successful career transition and growth including goal setting, personal branding, interview and networking preparation, conflict resolution, effective communication and much more.

2 Tuesdays (9AM – 12PM) | 6 Hours Total