Spots, Dots…and the Nots?! Book Bundle


Book Bundle of 10 resources for professional/adult working with a child and suggested activities only


Book Bundle of 10 resources for professional/adult working with a child and suggested activities only
This tale speaks to the struggle of the Pink’ who is faced with intense repression from the red and white society. The Red Spots and White Dots both agree that Pink is a Not. When Pink rejects their label of a Not, Pink is able to convert the negative label into a positive self-image. Finally, a resolution to the conflict of bullying! By understanding our thoughts, feelings and actions and how collectively these things define us, we begin to assess and address our actions when we are RED (aggressive), WHITE (passive) and we aspire to BE PINK (assertive)!

This story promises to impact the audience, shift thinking toward the positive, and reinforce the importance of inclusion while honouring self and others!